Is God Good? | Daily Walk 96

This edition of Daily Walk asks whether God is good. We start with looking briefly at the book How Can Anyone Say God is Good by Gary Miller. This is a great little fictional story that addresses how God is present in our difficulties. Ultimately, if we think God is not good, we may be looking at life with our interests in mind instead of His.


Bad Theology in the Second Generation | Daily Walk 95

As our churches focus more on growing their numbers with marketing strategies, the young people growing up in the church are starting to lose touch with what Christianity actual means. I am reading a book from a young man who is a second generation Christian who grew up in one such marketing heavy church. Have a listen to my thoughts.


Cults vs Churches | Daily Walk 94

This is our final discussion on cults for now and we talk about what is the difference between a real church and a cult group.


Cults: Bait and Switch | Daily Walk 93

When you join a cult, you are looking for something the group claims to have but when you are ‘in too deep’ you get a hint they are not give you want they offered. What are the Bait and Switch tactics cults use? We will explore them today.

Link: https://amzn.to/2t9cA5c


Cults: How They Get You | Daily Walk 92

This video is the forth in a series on cults and we will talk about some of the tools they use to trap and manipulate people.

Link: https://amzn.to/2t9cA5c


Cults: Four More Traits | Daily Walk 91

This Daily Walk extends our discussion surrounding cults as we dive into four more traits about Dangerous Religious Groups. These are taken from How to Identify a Dangerous Religious Group from RBC Minisstries.

Link: https://amzn.to/2t9cA5c


Cults Part 2: Four Traits | Daily Walk 90

This podcast looks at four traits of cults from the religious perspective. These are taken from How to Identify a Dangerous Religious Group from RBC Minisstries.

Link: https://amzn.to/2t9cA5c


Cults - A Brief Review | Daily Walk 89

Cults and Dangerous Religious Groups are all around us and we would be wise to learn about them. This video is a brief overview of cults and what they do to gain and keep members.

Here are the books I mentioned:
Combating Cult Mind Control: https://amzn.to/2SiRbV4
Cults in Our Midst: https://amzn.to/2TnCBck
Releasing the Bonds: https://amzn.to/2G6EQNs


Clear Your Conscience | Daily Walk 88

Our conscience lets us know when we do wrong, and when we sin, it can emotionally burden us. Christ calls us to take that burden from our shoulders and give it to Him instead. Listen in as we discuss the principles of clearing our conscience.

The Power of a Clear Conscience:


Contemplation in a Chaotic World | Daily Walk 87

If we study the life of Jesus we see He often went among the crowds teaching, healing, and serving. He also had times where He secluded himself for the purpose of refocusing with the Father in prayer. We likewise need to learn what it means to be a contemplative in the midst of the worlds Chaos.

Foxes Book of Martyrs: https://amzn.to/2VVsehG


Growth in Christ | Daily Walk 86

This is my 18th year as a Christian and I wanted to talk some time looking at 1 John 2 about the different stages of a Christian’s growth.


Tips to Read the Bible | Daily Walk 85

This is a new year and I am encouraging everyone to try to read their Bible through cover to cover this year. This video gives a few tips and some encouragement.


We Are Not Promised Today | Daily Walk 84

While on the way to the park to record this video I encountered the scene of an emergency and stopped to help. We are not promised today.


Christian Teaching in the Modern World | Daily Walk 83

A friend asked me about how to find good teaching for the daily commute talking about how the only teaching he can find is on the Catholic stations. This is my response.


What Is Your Ministry | Daily Walk 82

We all need a ministry when we mature as Christians. This video is my take on what we should be doing to serve God.


Finding Hope in a Broken World | Daily Walk 81

In our world of violence and anger it is hard to find hope, but this message tells you where to look.


Pastor or Leader | Daily Walk 80

On this daily walk we will talk about the difference between a pastor and a leader and why it is important in our modern western church.


The Wedding Clothes | Daily Walk 79

In the Parable of the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22:1-14 Jesus says some frightening things about the people without the wedding clothes. What does He mean?


The Joy of the Lord | Daily Walk 78

Today we will ask whether we should be joyful or turn our joy into gloom. We will talk about Jesus’ high priestly prayer and a statement in the book of James.


Then They Came for the Christians | Daily Walk 77

A few months ago we talked about Alex Jones being deplatformed and now we have another case. These companies and people are being removed for their words, and in a world becoming hostile toward Christianity, it is only a matter of time before true Christians are also deplatformed. Let Ye be Warned!