Our Walk in Christ is the author and content website for author and YouTuber, Thomas Murosky. The focus of the site is to detail the struggles, challenges, and blessings of living the Christian life. The primary focus of this site is to teach and train believers in sanctification with the hopes that this country will once again send out more missionaries than ever before. This site covers articles about living in Christ, resources, tips, service plans, and other items of help to walk in Christ.
Author, Thomas Murosky, became a Christian at age 21 after an intensive course of study in Biochemistry. He was subsequently invited to earn his Ph.D. in Molecular Toxicology after which he took up positions at Bucknell University and Western Wyoming Community College. Thomas left academia to pursue work from home as a writer and web developer. In the last time, he has traveled around the county several times, visited several churches, and mentored several people through life, growing up, and growing in Christ.