Are Bible Tracts Good? | Daily Walk 156

Some people love to hand out Bible tracts while others do not like them. In this presentation, we talk about the pros and cons, the mistakes, and the baggage around tracts in general and the chick tracts specifically.


Is KJV the Best English Translation? | Daily Walk 155

Some people suggest that the King James Version is the only correct Bible translation we have, even suggesting that it is heresy to read other versions. But is that true? On this video, we answer the question that was submitted to the website.


Do You Have a Crush on Jesus? | Daily Walk 154

A lot of modern churches talk a lot of 'Loving Jesus', but the messages they teach do not generally align with the teachings found in the Bible. So they all say they love Jesus, but is it love? Or is it just a crush? What is the difference?
-Matthew 7:21-23
-Matthew 7:24-27

Adventures in Odyssey Lost Episodes:

Testing and Temptations:


Meekness vs Milquetoast | Daily Walk 153

The meek shall inherit the earth, but sadly, many Christians have seen out role as more milquetoast. We need to understand our power as Christians, but do not unleash that, being reserved instead. Today we will talk a little about this balance.
-Matthew 5:5
-Titus 1:9


Whom Do You Follow? | Daily Walk 152

Who do you really follow? King Joash only followed God while his leader was alive, did he make it to heaven? Once Jehoiada died, Joash walked away from God. Do we really follow Christ like we say we do? These are my thoughts.

-2 Chronicles 24:1-2
-2 Chronicles 24:15-16
-2 Chronicles 24:17-19


A New Online Gospel | Daily Walk 151

This video explains a trend I have seen in online preachers as I have watched a few more people preaching their services on the Internet. While the possibilities are endless for a spectrum of teaching, some of the more exciting Internet preachers are smelting the Word Faith Gospels with the Church Growth Model to produce exciting sermons devoid of truth.


Benefiting from Isolation | Daily Walk 150

In our current isolated world, I want to encourage everyone to use some of the extra tiem we have focusing on God. Do not use this as a vacation to play video games and binge-watch television shows. Spend some time learning from the Bible, in prayer, and most importantly, spend time teaching your kids the things of God.
#BibleStudy #Prayer #DrawNearToGod

-Deuteronomy 6:4-9
-Psalm 119


The Error of the Social Gospel | Daily Walk 149

The Social Gospel is taking over many modern churches who start to downplay the importance of doctrine. This aboration comes from an overcorrection of the error of spending too much emphasis on theology. A balanced life in Christ teaches a true Gospel, empowerd by doctrine, leading to Christian service.
#SocialGospel #Theology #GoodWorks

-Acts 4:8-12
-Ephesians 2:1-10


When Grace Goes Too Far | Daily Walk 148

Hypergrace has been starting to gain some ground as many people are focusing too much on grace and focusing less on accountability and sanctification. While God calls us how we were, He has never desired us to stay in our old, sinful state. We are to move on, using Grace as a safety net, not as a lifestyle.
#Grace #Hypergrace #Sanctification


A Christian Response to Pandemics | Daily Walk 147

The whole world is in a panic over the CoronaVirus, but as Christians, we need to remain calm and help our neighbors. We need to take precautions, but at the same time, we need to focus on Paul’s last statement to Timothy: To live is Christ and to die is gain. Be prepared, and help your neighbors!
#Christian #Pandemic #Preparation

-Matthew 6
-Matthew 24
-Titus 2


What Calvinism Is Not | Daily Walk 146

Calvinism is a very misunderstood theological system that most of the opponents of the view do not understand it. This video addresses the most common misunderstandings. We forget that Calvinism was defined to address a heresy cropping up in the church.
#Calvinism #Predestination #Theology

-Romans 10
-James 5


Science and Faith | Daily Walk 145

We live in a post modern age, and that means logic is not very effective in winning people to Christ, so why are so many people trying to use scientific methods to demonstrate the existence of God? Paul spoke to this very issue in 1 Corinthians when he declared that he desired to show nothing among them except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. How does this message impact us today?
#Science #PostModernism #CrossOfChrist


Are People Born Gay? | Daily Walk 144

Our present Christian culture is being assaulted by many people who are claiming that homosexuals are born gay, and that means they can embrace that lifestyle. On the other hand, there are many churches fighting back saying people cannot be born gay. What is the real answer? I have a point from the book of Matthew.
#BornGay #AffirmingChurch #Sin



Shaped by the Ways of the World | Daily Walk 143

Today we want to talk about having a mission and following the Holy Spirit even when the world seems to suggest we should be doing something else. Sometimes a church or a book might tell us something that is contrary to what the Spirit has given us. Do not let that distract you. In short, do not let the ways of the world distract you from what God has given you to do.
#WayOfTheWorld #Proverbs #DailyWalk

Proverbs 3:5
Ephesians 2:10


Embrace the Five Solas | Daily Walk 142

We often talk of reformation, and in order to achieve that goal, we need to understand the solas that started the first reformation. When we understand the truth behind where the reformation occured, reformation will occur on its own. Are you ready to embrace the Five Solas?
#FiveSolas #Reformation #Protestants

-Sola Scriptura
-Sola Fide
-Sola Gratia
-Sola Christus
-Sola Deo Gloria


Choose to Follow God | Daily Walk 141

Isaiah gives us a message of blessing for choosing to follow God. We will learn why, even though we are Christians, we still need to actively choose to follow God’s laws. God gives us blessings and rewards and peace when we seek His ways.
#Isaiah #Blessings #Christians



Pride and Judgement | Daily Walk 140

Our culture has become prideful. We think all things will keep going as they always have; we think we are too big, too powerful to fall. But God has other ideas. Are we standing on the brink of #judgment? Today we will discuss a message delivered by #Isaiah.


Is God on America’s Side:

The Church in Babylon:


Coming To Your Senses | Daily Walk 139

This video focuses on the lost son who ‘comes to his senses’ and recognizes that he is suffering the consequences of sin. My encouragement today is do not radically desroy your body on a whim because of social narratives. Take some time to think through your decisions.
#JamesShupe #Parables #ProdicalSon



The Burning Brnahces | Daily Walk 138

Today we will look at the two difficult seeds in the Parable of the Sower and ask if they are really saved? What does the rest of the Bible have to say?
#Parables #Sower #Salvation

-Matthew 13
-Luke 3
-John 15


The Basis for Discernment | Daily Walk 137

When people come to Christ, the first piece of advice often given to them is to find a ‘Good, Bible-believing Church.’ But how does one find such a church without knowledge of what the Bible teaches? In this video, I will talk about how we learn to determine what a good church is, and what the marks are that we are actually saved.
#Discernment #Cults #Salvation