The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts | Daily Walk 116

Today we will look at the purpose of spiritual gifts. Some would say they are to help build the local church, but I do not hold to that idea, because our first calling is to the Church Universal and our gifts are given to us to work in the ministry we are given by God.
#Gifts #Church #Ministry

– Ephesians 4:11-12
– Romans
– Matthew
– 1 Peter


A Lamp On A Hill | Daily Walk 115

The Parable of the Lamp appears four times in three Gospels and three of the tellings are subtly different. Today we look at Matthew 5 and what the city on the hill and the lamp on the Lampstand mean.
#Parables #Lamp #Integrity

– Matthew 5:14-16
– 1 Peter 2:12
– Matthew 6:1-3


Doctrine or Love? | Daily Walk 114

There is an argument in Christianity about what is more important:


The reality is that both are equally important and we must have both in the Christian life. Here, we talk about this concept from the Book of Titus
#Titus #Doctrine #Love


Natural and Special Revelation | Daily Walk 113

The world around us shows that God is real and that He created the world. But that Natural Revelation does not show us the kind of God He is. Today we look at Natural and Special Revelation.
#NaturalRevelation #SpecialRevelation #Creation


Are You Denying the Faith? | Daily Walk 112

The old heresy of Easy Believism spawned from a combination of ‘simple steps’ to salvation and a desire to accept people as saved even though they did not live a life consistent with Christ. The same thing is happening now as many denominations are turning away from the true Gospel because they do not want to accept that family and friends are not saved. We must stand firm in the word and love all people even if they are not saved, but preach the Gospel which is of repentance.
#SocialJustice #Gospel #Salvation


What Made Hezekiah a Good King? | Daily Walk 111

On today’s Daily Walk we want to talk abut what made Hezekiah such a good king despite his father being considered one of the most wicked in all history. We suggest he had some very difficult beginnings all while watching the result of a father turning away from God.
#Hezekiah #OTKings #Christian


The Parable of the Vinyard | Daily Walk 110

The parable of the Vineyard found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke talk about how God is going to remove the Pharisees from their position of power and give it instead to the local church. This podcast describes the parable and gives us a modern day warning.
#ParableOfTheVineyard #WarningToTheChurch #DailyWalk


What Is the Church | Daily Walk 109

The Bible declares that the gates of Hades will not prevail against the church. But what is the church? I content it is more than a building where crosses hang on the wall as many modern churches are no longer preaching the Word of God, nor do many of them seem to even believe the Word of God. This is just some of my collected thoughts on this topic.
#Church #TaresAmongWheat #Christian


The Gospel and Free Speech | Daily Walk 108

Our world is becoming increasingly hostile to ideas that are not in alignment with progressive thought, and that places the Gospel on the chopping block. We are commanded to go out into the world and preach the Gospel, and it is my contention that we need to stand for free speech so we have the freedom to preach, even if that means other unpopular ideas might also be allowed into the public square. As long as words are used and not violence, we have nothing to fear, particularly us who have the truth!
#Gospel #FreeSpeech #Dissenter


Live Like it is the End Times | Daily Walk 107

We are living in the end days! We need to start living like it. As Christians in the past have lived like they were in the last days, the Spirit of God moved more than we see Him moving today. When we stop living for our desires and pleasures we find ourselves instead living for Christ. Let us remember Christ and His parables and start knowing He will soon return!
#TheEndTimes #ReturnOfJesus #Christianity


Radical Integrity | Daily Walk 106

Integrity is very important in the life of a Christian, in fact, it is a core staple of the faith. We are called to follow Christ whatever it costs us, and the hypocrisy of failing to do that is a key reason young people are leaving the church.
#Christianity #Integrity #Hypocrisy


Clearly Identify Sin In Your Life | Daily Walk 105

Understanding our sin is the first step to salvation; without understanding our desperate need to be saved we gloss over what it means to lay our wrongs at the foot of the cross. This Daily Walk calls us out to clearly spot real and identifiable sin in our life as the first point to accepting our savior.


Beware Church Growth Pastors | Daily Walk 104

As time goes by, more celebrity pastors of church growth-philosophy churches are falling into scandals. Hybells, Driscol, and today several insiders of Harvest Bible Chapel reported that James MacDonald sought to arrange murders. All this is to bring to light that our sin will find us out, and we need to focus on the truth of God rather than being part of a celebrity church.
#JamesMacDonald #ChurchGrowth #Celebrity Pastor

Julie Roys Article:


Passion as a Christian | Daily Walk 103

It is important in life to have a passion, but as people bought with the blood of Christ, our passions must seek to expand the kingdom of Christ. What does that mean in practical terms? We will talk about this on today's Daily Walk.


Do Not Hold New Creatures to Old Sin | Daily Walk 102

When we are born again we are a new creature. The old sins have passed away. Today we talk about a story of a former abortion clinic doctor in our town who was born anew but the people who picketed his former establishment could not accept his conversion. Let’s discuss this and learn what our response to sin should be.


Josiahs Sanctification | Daily Walk 101

I have a new book looking at Sanctification and the importance of God’s Word. This is available on Kindle Unlimited for now but will role out in all channels soon. The notes will come from 2 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 34 and we will do a deep dive into the life and times of this king.

Amazon Link:


The History of Our Walk in Christ | Daily Walk 100

Our Walk in Christ was the brainchild of a young Christian. After 15 years of owning the property and using it as a teaching platform, I wanted to talk about how it came about and where it is going next! Join in for this brief history lesson to celebrate 100 episodes of Daily Walk!

Mailing List: https://tlm.li/nl


Holiness | Daily Walk 99

Holiness is often neglected in our modern Evangelical world, but it is central to the whole Bible. God is holy and as followers we are called to be be as such. This Daily Walk looks at our role in Holiness as believers.


Reflections on Prayer | Daily Walk 98

Prayer is an important means of grace in the Christian faith and some of us are very good at it but others are not. This Daily Walk looks at some reflections in prayer and what we can do about it. Also check out the videos on prayer from the foundations study:


The book I reference is D.L. Moody Prevailing Prayer:


Identify and Eliminate Sin | Daily Walk 97

We all sin, but sometimes our sin holds fast over us and we have difficulty breaking away. Sin causes separation in our relationship with God, so it is important we identify and eliminate sin anywhere we find it. That is what this podcast will discuss starting from 2 Chronicles 34.