Why Follow Jesus | Daily Walk 76

Often in our Western Christianity we get caught caught up in our own wants. Jesus confronts a group of people in that very case. Listen in.


Signs of the End Times | Daily Walk 75

We are living in the end times, and today we look at the list of End Time traits in people as Paul describes in 2 Timothy 3:1-6.


Came With a Sword | Daily Walk 74

While the modern Church Growth Movement is focusing on World Peace, it is our imperative to realize Jesus did not come for that end. Listen in on His real purpose.


Naturalism Is Real | Daily Walk 73

Naturalism is the philosophy that all things in this world progress by a set of natural laws. The Bible would agree. Listen in to find out more.


Start With The Foundation | Daily Walk 72

Why are young people leaving the church? It might be because the foundation of our faith has been weakened by the church itself. This video is about going back to the basics.


Concern with Social Justice | Daily Walk 71

I recorded a video a few weeks back on The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel but here I wanted to talk more about some concerns with the movement as a whole.


Validity of Emotions | Daily Walk 70

Today we will look at our emotions and how they are always valid. Even what we may call ‘bad’ emotions are still good in that they tell us about our heart.


Gray Areas | Daily Walk 69

The Bible is very clear on several commandments but there are a lot of areas in our social life where behavior is not dictated. This video discusses that.


Remember From Where You Came | Daily Walk 68

The best lesson we can learn from history is what not to do. We all have a past and things we wish we could change. This daily walk encourages us to think over our past and learn into the future.


Climb Out of Sin | Daily Walk 67

Today on our Daily Walk we will talk about sin, falling into sin, and breaking out of sin.


Alex Jones, Silicon Valley, and Bonheoffer | Daily Walk 66

Today we will talk about the issue of Alex Jones being removed from several platforms and what this could mean for anyone down the road. Bonhoeffer was put to death for this warnings and we need to heed them now from beyond the grave.


Take Some Time | Daily Walk 65

Today’s daily walk will give us encouragement to slow down a little bit to focus on God.


What Is Faith | Daily Walk 64

What is faith? This is a topic often talked about but rarely practiced. Here we talk about it from Hebrews 11.


Support Yourself and Others | Daily Walk 63

Today we will look at the verses in 2 Thessalonians about working and eating as it relates to some modern trends.

Pardon the bad audio partway through.


Modern Idolotry | Daily Walk 62

Idolatry was commanded against in the Old and the New Testament. While the western cultures do not generally worship little statues, we do have our own modern idols. I talk about these in this video.


Electric or paper Bibles? | Daily Walk 61

On this daily walk we will address the question of whether we should study with electronic or paper bibles.


Base Bible Translation | Daily Walk 60

Today we will talk about the importance of having a home Bible translation to come back to for regular study. Reading other translations is also good, but select one as your main.


Boy Scouts and Adopting the Culture | Daily Walk 59

The Boy Scouts is no more as they are now re-branded as Scouts of BSA. This has caused some controversy, but it makes us ask some hard questions. Lets dig into this.


Ignoring the Truth | Daily Walk 58

This is the final installment of the Lucifer Principle. I talk about the whole truth the author is missing.

Referenced Media:
The Lucifer Principle: https://amzn.to/2s3dJdB
The Closing of the American Mind: https://amzn.to/2KJQugo
Dancing in the Dark: https://amzn.to/2IJMwUs
Pandoras Boxoffice: https://amzn.to/2s1ywix
Hells Bells 2: https://amzn.to/2x6AKSy


What is a Christian? | Daily Walk 57

Many people profess to be Christians, but what does being a ‘Christian’ really mean? In this video I talk about this topic.