Is the Textus Receptus From God? | Daily Walk 315

The battle over the best Greek to use for translations wages over the significance of the various texts we have from history. Here we talk about the Textus Receptus, what it is, and asking if it is the best or not.


Before the Flood Part 2 | Daily Walk 314

Today we pick up from Part 1 and we see where the line of Adam, the first sinner, turns evil and God sees the sins and will destroy the world. But why?

Genesis 5-6


Before the Flood Part 2 | Daily Walk 314

Today we pick up from Part 1 and we see where the line of Adam, the first sinner, turns evil and God sees the sins and will destroy the world. But why?

Genesis 5-6


Before the Flood Part 1 | Daily Walk 313

Today we talk about the world before the flood from the creation to the lines of Cain and Seth, and what this might have to do with the flood.

Genesis 1-4


A Case Study in Discernment | Daily Walk 312

Today we do a quick study in discernment looking at how one author misquoted the Scripture, why this is the norm in our day, and how to approach examining these cases.

2 Kings 6:18-22
1 Kings 19:15-17
2 Kings 2:23-24
2 Kings 5:25-27


The Greek Text Families | Daily Walk 311

Today we will talk about the three primary classes of Greek texts that make up the archeological history of the text as it was handed down.


Theories of Textual Criticisms | Daily Walk 310

Today we talk about the three prevailing theories of textual criticism, the field that is all about figuring out what the real Biblical texts say.

Psalm 12:6-7
Isiah 40:8


The Real People in the Bible | Daily Walk 309

People talk about hypocrites in the Church, but the Bible is not the perfect people of God, but the fallible people of God. Here we discuss these things.

2 Samuel 1:15


Savage Wolves | Daily Walk 308

Today we talk about the false teachers who have risen from among the flock. We talk about the rise of Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, and other church growth people, and why Christians are taken in.

Acts 20:28-31


The Bible Wasn't Written in Old English | Daily Walk 307

Today we tackle some of the issues with the King James ONLY movement and why I do not care what translation people use.
Here are the four key points:
1.) Hasty translation
2.) Several minor textual errors
3.) Language is out of date
4.) Uses later manuscripts


The Heart Behind the Sovereignty Debate | Daily Walk 306

The Calvinism and Arminianism debate is a strong one in Christ, and today I want to talk about the heart behind each position without getting into the specific teachings of each. This way we can see why we choose the position we choose.

1 Corinthians 9:20-23
Romans 10:12-15
1 Corinthians 3:6


A Tale of Two Church Philosophies | Daily Walk 305

As we look to church, what is the target audience the pastor is preaching to. Should we seek to bring in everyone, or should we be focusing on church for Christians? Today we discuss.

Matthew 6:1-7


Why I Don't Pray On My Videos | Daily Walk 304

Prayer is an important thing for our walk with Christ, but do we need to publicly display our prayers because we are supposed to. Today I address why Prayer does not show up on my videos.

Matthew 6:1-8


Rick Warren's True Colors | Daily Walk 303

Today we talk about the three verses Rick Warren uses to justify handing his church over to a female pastor. This shows that he is what many of us said he was all along.

Matthew 28:19-20
Acts 2
Joel 2:28
John 20:17
1 Timothy 2:9-15


Three Ways to Read Your Bible | Daily Walk 302

Today we talk about the three ways to read then Bible so you better understand God's Word. These are all to be done together; each has a purpose in your understand of the Word.


What Are Your Influences? | Daily Walk 301

Today we will talk about our influences from the perspective of looking at what churches we are considering attending are into. I saw recently a church promoting an MLM on their website and in the same town a pastor who talked more about Star Wars in his bio than the church or God. Here are some thoughts.

1 John 4:1
1 Corinthians 5:33
Ephesians 5:11-12


This is Our Responsibility | Daily Walk 300

Today we look at our responsibility in the life of being a Christian.

Hosea 14:1-3
James 4:7-8
Ephesians 4:17
2 Peter 1:5-7


He Doesn't Get This | Daily Walk 299

Today we look at some of the preliminary issues with the He Gets Us campaign that has been going around the Internet. Who is is behind it? What is their mission? Do they really point people to Jesus?


John 15:18-19


Lack of Knowledge in a Knowledgeable World | Daily Walk 298

Today, our country is suffering from our lack of knowledge, but it is completely our ignorance that leads to this as we live in the most knowledgeable time ever. We are perishing because we have forgotten to take the time to learn.

James 3:1
2 Peter 2:12-14
Hosea 4:6
Habakkuk 2:2-3


How Your Church is Found | Daily Walk 297

Today we talk about why many churches are small and can't be found by the world. It is important that we use our current technology, mostly a website with relevant information. Hire a web developer who can get you a site that is not too expensive.

Hebrews 10:23-25
Matthew 5:14-16
Matthew 10:16
2 Timothy 4:1-2